Welcome to the X-WOW Whole Slide Imaging Setup Guide!
First of all, We'd like to thank you for purchasing X-WOW whole slide imaging device (click to see the details). This will help us to fund more equipment in deprived areas so more pathologists will be able to benefit the magic of digital pathology. And your contribution will be clearly acknowledged in the future X-WOW initiatives. Please use the following guide to setup your first whole slide imaging system in 5 minutes! ( Or less)
Step 1:
Remove the current camera and attach the new Camera to your microscope's C-mount adaptor. Then attach the cable to the camera, and make sure to connect the another end to your PC's USB 3.0 port.
(important): Make sure to hold the camera with lens pointing downward to avoid any dust gets in. Never touch or blow on the camera lens.
Step 2: (Click on the underlined links below to download the required software)
Install one of the camera drivers (recommended full or mini) and then install the X-WOW WSI software
(When installing Basler Pylon, select "USB3" and "camera user". also do not run the setup file directly from the browser, otherwise, the setup may not continue after a required reboot)
Step 3:Open X-WOW Whole Slide Imaging and select an objective, it might look like this at the beginning so we need a little bit of adjustment.
(important): Set the microscope illumination to the max and direct as much light as possible to the camera.
Please watch the video above to quick start.
Please follow the instruction below to implement automatic/manual colour adjustment:
1. Bring specimen in focus, move to empty region of the slide.
2a. (Manual) Adjust 'Brightness', then 'Blue/Green/Red' until the three peaks of the histograms can be seen completely without being cut off at the right edge. This usually means a good adjustment.
2b. (Automatic, preferred), you can click on the automatic adjustment (the magic wand icon), then move back to the sample and fine tune the parameter until the image is clear and displays the correct colour. Please read the (important note) below to help with fine tuning.
3. Set objective magnification and c-mount adaptor magnification, and save it as a preset.
(important note):
Brightness is the exposure time of the camera. if the sensor collects light for more than 300µs, motion blur becomes visible if the slide is moved quickly. With 1000µs, the motion blur might be approximately 3 pixels.
Therefore, the Gain parameter is used to increase the Brightness by digitally amplify the intensities. As a drawback, the noise is amplified as well.
Therefore, you should try to increase both values in parallel and have them somehow balanced. Most of the time the best idea is to use the automatic image adjustment. The higher the magnification of the objective the lower the problem with motion blur is. Gamma is usually set to 1. For hematology slide scanning, if the images doesn't look good try increase the Gamma value to 1.6.